Book Collaboration

Project Type: Author, Book Collaboration

Project Phase: Book Published

The book, ‘Sustainability and Toxicity of Building Materials - Manufacture, Use and Disposal Stages,’ has now been published!

Published by Elsevier, a publishing company known globally as being highly scientific and technical, I was given the amazing opportunity to collaborate with such a high calibre of researchers and authors and contribute a chapter.

Healthy Interior Design

The book focuses on a topic so close to my heart – toxicity and sustainability associated with building materials. It aims to address the complete cradle-to-cradle life cycle. It endeavours to examine distinct gaps in present scholarship and make a genuine contribution to the sustainability and health fields associated with the built environment.

Author contributions are a combination of chapters and case studies to present a variety of principles with specific examples.

My chapter contribution discusses implications of persistent environmental toxins that are prevalent in interior furnishings and building materials, expanding on my earlier 2015-2021 thesis research that examined health consequences of the built environment.

Book details:

Sustainability and Toxicity of Building Materials - Manufacture, Use and Disposal Stages

  • 1st Edition - February 10, 2024

  • Editors: Emina K. Petrović, Morten Gjerde, Fabricio Chicca, Guy Marriage

  • Language: English

  • Paperback ISBN: 9780323983365

  • eBook ISBN: 9780323983563

Available from Elsevier direct, and most book stores.